More than 81 years ago, a children’s park was opened, to travel through the history of Portugal and it’s people…
Located in Coimbra, Portugal dos Pequenitos, also popularly known as Portugal dos Pequeninos, has been since the 8th of June 1940, the date of its inauguration, a recreational and educational park aimed primarily at children.

Born by the hand and genius of Bissaya Barreto and designed by the architect Cassiano Branco, it has been part of the Bissaya Barreto Foundation since 1959, whose patron is this illustrious Professor.

A living portrait of Portugal and the Portuguese presence in the world, Portugal dos Pequenitos is still today a historical and pedagogical reference for many generations.

In addition to being a space for bringing cultures together and the crossing of peoples, Portugal dos Pequenitos is also a qualified exhibition of sculptural and architectural art that, due to its miniature and minute detail, still enchant children, young people and adults.